I wanted her to have every little toy, stuffed animal, and jewlery placed inside her casket with her. Kelsey asked we get you a bouquet of roses for you from her. She told me what color or rose and how many of each one she wanted you to hace especailly from her since she wasn't able to attend. I gave her my silver cross and bought new diamomd earrings for you. I laid the little picture album you had of us 3 girls with you. At your funeral I pulled a chair right up beside the head and dared ANYONE to ask me to move. I placed my hand on yours and stood beside you, patting your head with my other hand a couple hours before your funeral. When it was time to cloae your casket lid I almost had to be pulled away so they could be close the lid. I placed a lasr kiss on your forgead, then your check and sat in the chair I pulled by your head and sat there the service.